Digital Courses

Her Uplifting Facial Massage

Her Uplifting Facial Massage

Did you know that your face, neck and skull have over 57 muscles? Just like the muscles in your body, your facial muscles need activation and are very open to suggestion and manipulation.

Learn the techniques and insider secrets to my Uplifting Facial Massage and uncover the secrets to tone, tighten and firm your skin and the musculature of your face and neck area without having to spend money on an expensive spa treatment.

You can perform this treatment in the comfort of your own home and as often as you like. The only tools you will need are your hands and some facial oil or massage cream to provide slip to the skin.

Soften facial expression lines and wrinkles, uplift your mouth area and smooth your forehead, eye area and neck. In addition, you will increase circulation and feed your skin to ignite your radiance and glow both inside and out.

Her Facial Gua Sha Method

Her Facial Gua Sha Method

Learn the technique that has been used in Chinese Medicine for centuries to smooth, tighten and release muscular tension in the face, jaw and neck area. This targets the connective tissue, the facial fascia, in the face and neck area. It also lifts and tightens, improves appearance, increases circulation and encourages detoxification through lymph drainage.

Learn the proper technique to perform this ritual at home any time you want to relax and treat yourself. Learn about the different Gua Sha stones and how to utilize them in your healthy aging routine.

healthy. empowered. radiant.